Organic Rhodiola (60ML)

Temporary tiredness and emotional stress

  • Temporary tiredness
  • Emotional stress and stress-induced fatigue
  • Particularly recommended to children undergoing exams and adults during periods of overwork

Disturbed sleep? Irritability? Temporary tiredness? Emotions difficult to control?

Rhodiola is known to help the body to cope with emotional stress and strenuous physical activity by enhancing performance and promoting good physical condition.

Rhodiola is particularly beneficial in cases of stress-induced fatigue.

Our rhodiola rosea, an adaptogen plant native to Siberia, is organically grown.
Its roots contain a substance called salidroside. Rhodiola is particularly recommended to students undergoing exams and to adults during periods of overwork.

  • Rhodiola
How to use

Take 1 tablet in the morning at breakfast and 1 tablet at lunch, with a large glass of water.